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Types of technology we use everyday

Technology was covered in detail in our previous article. There are many kinds of technology around us. We all use technology in one way or another for different purposes. We cannot live by relying on one type of technology and avoiding others. Therefore, it is important to know the different categories of technology to be aware of the latest developments in the world of technology. Therefore, we have created this list for you to help you identify the differences between the latest tech devices and services and find out which tech category they belong to.

Types of technology
Types of technology

Categorizing technology is quite difficult as most devices fall into one or more categories. Take the TV for example it is used for both entertainment and information. This ranges from the type of keyboards you use to the 3D printers on your desk. Since there are no basic rules for the proper categorization of these devices or technological advances, it can be difficult to determine the right category to which they belong.

Types of technology:

  1. medical technology
  2. Categories of assistive technology
  3. entertainment electronics
  4. productivity technology
  5. teaching technology
  6. communication technology

We have done our best to categorize them in the appropriate sections. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover all possible scenarios. Therefore, this guide can be seen as a quick start to finding different types of technologies around us.

1. medical technology

Medical technology is one of the most important types of technology. It includes machines and services related to medical science that is supported by technology. There are different types of medical technology, such as instruments to analyze diseases, devices to relieve pain, and medicines to treat and cure diseases. They all help to protect us from dangerous viruses and bacteria, thus increasing our life expectancy. Some of the medical devices are listed below.

  • stethoscope

A stethoscope is an acoustic medical device. It is used to auscultate or listen to the internal sounds of the human body without the need for surgery or further treatment. Stethoscopes are also used on animals for treatment. You see it on almost every doctor you meet in the hospital, so common and important is a stethoscope for treating a patient.

  • nebulizer

A nebulizer is used to administer medication via a mist that is inhaled into the lungs. This is one of the most common medical devices used in most hospitals to treat conditions such as asthma, COPD, or other lung diseases.

2. Categories of assistive technology

Assistive technology is also a recognized form of technology that helps people with disabilities by assisting them to perform certain tasks. As we already know, it is extremely difficult for people with leg problems to walk, for people with hearing problems to listen to us, and for people with blindness to see what we see. The technical aids help them to have all the abilities of a normal person, either by being adapted to their body or by being an external accessory. The automatic, self-controlling wheelchair is a perfect example of assistive technology. Here are a few additional instances of assistive innovation.

  • hearing aids

A hearing aid can greatly improve the hearing ability of a deaf person. With the help of the latest hearing aids, a person with hearing problems can hear sounds almost the same as a normal person. This helps them to live a normal life like a normal person without a disability. It can be attached to the ear as you can see in the picture above.

  • scooter with extra wheels

Unlike wheelchairs, which are only suitable for moving around indoors or in a specific place, there are several types of self-balancing scooters on the market. They are equipped with two additional wheels that allow you to drive like a car. People with physical disabilities can benefit from this offer.

3. entertainment electronics

In this list of technology categories, entertainment technology probably has the widest range of gadgets to offer. It goes from the speakers directly in front of you to the guitar in your music class. These tech gadgets offer a way to unwind from the stresses of everyday life. Entertainment technology inventions like software are used to develop video games, set up theatres, produce movies, and much more. It is very difficult to avoid this kind of technology in our daily life. We have introduced some entertainment technology devices here.

  • guitar

The guitar is one of the best-known instruments of all. The pleasant sound it produces can provide incredible relaxation to its users. Many music videos we see today feature a guitar.

  • headphones

Unlike loudspeakers, with headphones, all the sound remains inside the headphones and is passed directly to the ears. Any external disturbance affects the quality of hearing, as the music reproduction through headphones cannot be perceived by the outside world.

4. productivity technology

Productivity technology is one of the forms of technology most commonly used by the business community. It includes various devices and technological tools that help to improve the productivity of a business or other firms. It enhances professional activities such as mining, manufacturing, fishing, etc. by helping people to complete various tasks. It also consists of software tools and other intangible parts that help hardware function properly by taking instructions from users. Productivity technology is of great importance when it comes to the industrial production of goods and materials. Some examples of productivity technology are given below.

  • machinery and equipment

Machines can be seen as a great productivity booster everywhere in the world, in all factories and all industries. Any machine that increases the output of human labor performs it more accurately and reduces costs is a good example of productivity technology.

  • 3D printers

3D printers help designers create real 3D objects by printing out the 3D design created with software. This is one of the most advanced technologies that have great significance for interacting with 3D models of objects rather than through a screen.

Modern technology is helping to improve productivity to an extent that is beyond our imagination. With or without our knowledge, everything around us moves hundreds of times faster than it would without the help of technology.

5. teaching technology

Instructional technology is also one of the most important types of technology. A considerable amount of technology is used in a classroom, from digital whiteboards to presentation projectors. So, for a smart tech school, it is necessary to implement such things to keep the students' attention all the time without getting bored. Instructional technology includes various gadgets as well as apps and software. Apps play a crucial role in providing customized learning materials for students and teaching materials for teachers. Here are some examples of instructional technologies.

  • app limiter

As we mentioned in our previous article on the pros and cons of technology, learning gadgets can also be used for entertainment purposes. To prevent this, there are a variety of apps available in the Play Shop and iTunes Shop. SureLock Kiosk Lockdown and OurPact - Parental Control & Screen Time Manager are two good examples.

  • Adapted Tablets

Many government organizations make customized tablets for students. They have certain restrictions that increase student productivity.

6. communication technology

Communication technology is one of the most important factors in the era of modern technology. No matter how far or how close you are to the receiver, today's communication tools can transmit voice or video calls without interruptions. 3G, 4G, and now 5G technologies are constantly improving with faster speeds and efficient transmissions. Mobile phones, computers, fax, emails, text messages, etc. are all examples of communication technologies in our daily lives. Be that as it may, the list could be continued endlessly.

  • smartphones

Smartphones use mobile phone networks to send and receive communication signals from the nearest transmission towers. It is one of the most widespread and popular communication technologies of all.

  • e-mail

E-mail is an Internet-based communication technology familiar to most Internet users. The speed of transport makes it more reliable than fax and other communication methods.

For those who want to know more, we have written an article about the types of communication technology. This will give you a better overview of the technological points of view in the field of communication.

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